few days ago at halftime of a course I was approached by another real estate agent and asked, "How I can respond to an owner who told me that if I put in the suggested price for me, then I do not need and sell it himself? ", then asked: Do you think that you need, or are a scam? And before you continue reading this article I invite you to stop and think, 'You are needed as real estate brokers or bearer Timo You are a looking for someone to cheat? For an operation can charge ten, twenty, thirty or forty thousand Euros, with that money we can release a Mercedes, Audi or BMW in good range and repeat the question, "We've earned that money or have deceived a gullible? Please, stop reading and think about the answer.
To answer this question is important that we understand what we do. Is it limited our work to put up a sign, two or three ads on real estate portals and wait for someone to call us, we schedule a visit, and it already?, In this case are a sham because the owner can do that and free . So what is it that we can make the owner can not?
When we sell our services offer many things must meet one of them is peace, peace of mind knowing who view the house, so it's important meeting with our potential client, where in addition to who is, take your ID, mobile and other important information, we must ensure of what you are looking for, why? Quite simply, we sell peace of mind that visited the house meets the needs and tastes of our customers, we will not take a lady in a wheelchair to a third party without lift, right? Or let's take a family with a German shepherd in a flat with no garden or terrace, right? This is one of the things we offer and the owners do not do it because they do not know how to "not offend" Owners are afraid to ask many questions to potential customers for fear of scaring them and did not want to visit your home, on the other hand hate being bothered by people who will buy your house but if are going to lose a couple of hours no matter if it's lunch, a nap, to meet the baby or even lost an important family event. And suppose we are lucky and if they like the house. Can you afford it? How will it stay? How long? How much money?, "Signal, reserve or Arras? "Criminal Arras, Popes or better, when in doubt do not specify? What if the bank gives the loan, What is done with the money received? And what month we've lost? And finally, or maybe first, who has gone to the house? Do not forget that there is evil in the world and not always a good idea to let a stranger from home and once inside do whatever they want with the owners. With us it is more difficult to happen because we have already made your data, identity card and no villain would be stupid enough to leave marks if you plan to rob, rape or kill. Sounds exaggerated? Ask you if there have been cases of theft or worse, perpetrated by people posing as customers.
Another thing we sell is the ability attract customers who would not come alone. Keep in mind that any client is only able to attract to your property to customers who specifically ask for it (by location and / or type), we in turn can lead to house clients who do not even know that such city or neighborhood there or bring those who are unaware that they can buy a house much better if they move a few meters. How many houses have not sold to someone who asked for three bedrooms and was one of two? Or are properties that have sold more than double the price that buyers told us at the first visit, or sold a house who asked for a floor?
An additional point is our ability to reach more people than an individual, to focus its advertising efforts on two or three portals. We have the capacity to be in more than thirty portals including one that allows us to share with other professionals, allowing the end user is captured at any place of geography. I have personally visited properties with clients from other real estate networks whose client came to his office for tens of kilometers from the mine. I speak of the MLS.
Following our strengths is the bargaining power that goes far beyond knowing fight a price for that is more like the typical haggling food markets and that has nothing to do with negotiations where they keep watch over the interests of all parties without anyone feeling hurt or harmed. In this we can be of great help to those who hire us because we give ourselves the luxury of not having feelings involved and that the house is not ours, our children grew up there and we have the memory of those learning to walk, talk and laugh and finally give a false value to the property as it only has value to the owner of memories, but truth is that it stifles the ability to reach agreements. Neither offends us that someone opine that the house is a mess, which is very poorly designed or maintained as a matter for us all to get them to come to an agreement that benefits all and never see or take the views of buyers as a personal affront. This is one of our greatest strengths, we just need a little intelligence and never go into what I always call the "War of Testosterone" very typical of the so-called "negotiations" where the light involved in a war to see who "More Macho" or who sends who ride and this will cloud the vision and the ability to reach agreements. Or how many times you have not stopped buying that car, shoes or whatever you want just because the seller fell ill? This also happens with houses.
Finally what we think is an everyday thing can present major problems for a particular. I speak of the preparation of the notary signature. We must be able to prepare everything (including all figures which will be discussed in Notary and cancellation of mortgage payments Transmissions Heritage Tax, Stamp Duty, registration cancellation, etc..) And be able to suggest possible legal solutions that not knowing how could hamper negotiations. I mean for example to pay the house but not take immediate possession of it, speak of a lack, how is it done? ¿Cómo se penaliza si no se cumplen los términos de esta? ¿Qué garantías legales nos da? Y un largo etcétera.
Si a sus clientes usted no es capaz de hablarles de esta forma, si usted mismo duda de su valía como intermediario inmobiliario, quizá sea el momento de retomar el tema de la formación. En la escuela RE/MAX se enseñan todas estas cosas que le ayudarán a poder ofrecer y luego cumplir todos estos servicios a sus clientes. Venga con nosotros y aprenda a Negociar para usted, para quienes contratan sus servicios y para quienes quieren comprar una casa. Aprenda a usar la tecnología de forma más útil en beneficio de sus clientes, aprenda de legislation and taxation. Basically, learn to be a good professional who can say that earns its fees in a very well deserved.
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